There are 3 nodes in the cluster.
Node Name | Underlying OS | Kernel Version | Kube Version |
klopjob-1 | AlmaLinux 9.5 (Teal Serval) | 5.14.0-503.21.1.el9_5.x86_64 | v1.32.0+k3s1 |
klopjob-2 | AlmaLinux 9.5 (Teal Serval) | 5.14.0-503.21.1.el9_5.x86_64 | v1.32.0+k3s1 |
klopjob-3 | AlmaLinux 9.5 (Teal Serval) | 5.14.0-503.21.1.el9_5.x86_64 | v1.32.0+k3s1 |
There are 125 instances in the cluster.
Namespace | Name | Type | Status |
argo | argocd-application-controller | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
argo | eventbus-default-stan | StatefulSet | 3/3 |
argo | argo-events-eventsource-4wfn8 | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | argocd-applicationset-controller | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | argocd-dex-server | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | argocd-notifications-controller | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | argocd-redis | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | argocd-repo-server | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | argocd-server | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | build-admin-joyrex-net-image-sensor-r27m9 | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | build-apache-perl-image-sensor-qzdh6 | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | build-battlepark3-com-image-sensor-hndz8 | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | build-eggy-joyrex-net-image-sensor-gcxb5 | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | build-et-joyrex-net-image-sensor-nr4r9 | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | build-etadmin-image-sensor-fn5km | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | build-etlegacy-server-images-sensor-9z888 | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | build-ipfs-cron-image-sensor-cxjhc | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | build-joyrex-net-image-sensor-qpflw | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | build-kube-stats-sensor-nfnt8 | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | build-onenetplus-com-image-sensor-qjthm | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | events-argo-events-controller-manager | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | image-updater-argocd-image-updater | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | workflows-argo-workflows-server | Deployment | 1/1 |
argo | workflows-argo-workflows-workflow-controller | Deployment | 1/1 |
awx | awx-postgres-15 | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
awx | awx-operator-controller-manager | Deployment | 1/1 |
awx | awx-task | Deployment | 1/1 |
awx | awx-web | Deployment | 1/1 |
cdi | cdi-apiserver | Deployment | 1/1 |
cdi | cdi-deployment | Deployment | 1/1 |
cdi | cdi-operator | Deployment | 1/1 |
cdi | cdi-uploadproxy | Deployment | 1/1 |
cert-manager | cert-manager | Deployment | 1/1 |
cert-manager | cert-manager-cainjector | Deployment | 1/1 |
cert-manager | cert-manager-webhook | Deployment | 1/1 |
conjur | conjur-postgres | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
conjur | conjur-conjur-oss | Deployment | 1/1 |
entertainment | plex | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
entertainment | audiobookshelf | Deployment | 1/1 |
entertainment | freshrss | Deployment | 1/1 |
entertainment | lazylibrarian | Deployment | 1/1 |
entertainment | lidarr | Deployment | 1/1 |
entertainment | overseerr | Deployment | 1/1 |
entertainment | prowlarr | Deployment | 1/1 |
entertainment | qbittorrent | Deployment | 1/1 |
entertainment | radarr | Deployment | 1/1 |
entertainment | sabnzbd | Deployment | 1/1 |
entertainment | sonarr | Deployment | 1/1 |
entertainment | tautulli | Deployment | 1/1 |
gitea | gitea-postgresql-ha-postgresql | StatefulSet | 3/3 |
gitea | gitea-redis-cluster | StatefulSet | 3/3 |
gitea | gitea | Deployment | 1/1 |
gitea | gitea-postgresql-ha-pgpool | Deployment | 1/1 |
harbor | harbor-database | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
harbor | harbor-redis | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
harbor | harbor-trivy | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
harbor | harbor-core | Deployment | 1/1 |
harbor | harbor-jobservice | Deployment | 1/1 |
harbor | harbor-portal | Deployment | 1/1 |
harbor | harbor-registry | Deployment | 1/1 |
infra | authelia | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
infra | authelia-postgresql | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
infra | authelia-redis-master | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
infra | hass | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
infra | admin-joyrex-net | Deployment | 1/1 |
infra | apprise | Deployment | 1/1 |
infra | esphome | Deployment | 1/1 |
infra | insecure-samba | Deployment | 1/1 |
infra | joyrex-net | Deployment | 1/1 |
infra | oidc-guard | Deployment | 1/1 |
infra | proton-bridge | Deployment | 1/1 |
infra | test | Deployment | 1/1 |
infra | wireguard | Deployment | 1/1 |
ingress-nginx | ingress-nginx-controller | Deployment | 1/1 |
jrh | castopod-mariadb | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
jrh | castopod | Deployment | 1/1 |
kube-system | cni-symlinker | Daemonset | 3/3 |
kube-system | intel-gpu-plugin-gpudeviceplugin-sample | Daemonset | 3/3 |
kube-system | kube-multus-ds | Daemonset | 3/3 |
kube-system | kube-vip-ds | Daemonset | 3/3 |
kube-system | node-feature-discovery-worker | Daemonset | 3/3 |
kube-system | coredns | Deployment | 1/1 |
kube-system | inteldeviceplugins-controller-manager | Deployment | 1/1 |
kube-system | local-path-provisioner | Deployment | 1/1 |
kube-system | metrics-server | Deployment | 1/1 |
kube-system | node-feature-discovery-gc | Deployment | 1/1 |
kube-system | node-feature-discovery-master | Deployment | 1/1 |
kube-system | suc-system-upgrade-controller | Deployment | 1/1 |
kube-system | traefik | Deployment | 1/1 |
kubevirt | virt-handler | Daemonset | 3/3 |
kubevirt | virt-api | Deployment | 2/2 |
kubevirt | virt-controller | Deployment | 2/2 |
kubevirt | virt-operator | Deployment | 2/2 |
longhorn-system | engine-image-ei-c2d50bcc | Daemonset | 3/3 |
longhorn-system | longhorn-csi-plugin | Daemonset | 3/3 |
longhorn-system | longhorn-manager | Daemonset | 3/3 |
longhorn-system | csi-attacher | Deployment | 3/3 |
longhorn-system | csi-provisioner | Deployment | 3/3 |
longhorn-system | csi-resizer | Deployment | 3/3 |
longhorn-system | csi-snapshotter | Deployment | 3/3 |
longhorn-system | longhorn-driver-deployer | Deployment | 1/1 |
longhorn-system | longhorn-ui | Deployment | 2/2 |
matrix | appservice-irc | Deployment | 1/1 |
matrix | db | Deployment | 1/1 |
matrix | matrix-alertmanager | Deployment | 1/1 |
matrix | sopel | Deployment | 1/1 |
matrix | synapse | Deployment | 1/1 |
metallb-system | speaker | Daemonset | 3/3 |
metallb-system | controller | Deployment | 1/1 |
monitoring | kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-node-exporter | Daemonset | 3/3 |
monitoring | alertmanager-kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
monitoring | prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus | StatefulSet | 1/1 |
monitoring | kube-prometheus-stack-grafana | Deployment | 1/1 |
monitoring | kube-prometheus-stack-kube-state-metrics | Deployment | 1/1 |
monitoring | kube-prometheus-stack-operator | Deployment | 1/1 |
monitoring | lidarr-exporter | Deployment | 1/1 |
monitoring | radarr-exporter | Deployment | 1/1 |
monitoring | sabnzbd-exporter | Deployment | 1/1 |
monitoring | sonarr-exporter | Deployment | 1/1 |
sbbs | sbbs | Deployment | 1/1 |
tsl | airdcpp | Deployment | 1/1 |
tsl | gemini | Deployment | 1/1 |
tsl | gopher | Deployment | 1/1 |
tsl | ipfs | Deployment | 1/1 |
tsl | tsl-joyrex-net | Deployment | 1/1 |